Texas to gain influence

by david on January 6, 2010

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After the 2010 Census, Texas stands to gain 3, and some say 4 more seats in the U.S. House of Representatives followed by an addition of at least one representative in the southern/southwestern states including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, and Utah.  Those three to four additional Texas  House seats are due to a decline in the Northeast and more folks moving to southern states, particularly The Great State, which has no personal income tax.  Yes, we have plenty of other ‘fees’ that drive many of us crazy, but no personal income tax and we probably never will have one.

Polidata Inc. projects from the 2009 estimates that the reapportionment following the 2010 Census will produce four new House seats for Texas, one for Florida, Arizona, Utah and Nevada, and none for California for the first time since 1850.

Where will the new representatives be located?  Well, not sure yet, but just look around your neighborhood and if it has been growing like crazy, such as the Frisco area or Williamson County, then you folks may be getting a new house seat.

The U.S. Constitution mandates a count every ten years and one of the primary purposes of the census is to see who gets a big piece of the $400 billion pie that is sent to the states with programs based on population.

Special interest groups are already lining up to protest census practices:

–Some Latino groups are urging a boycott of the census unless illegal aliens are given a path to citizenship.  The 2010 census form will not ask citizenship status.

–Many are already saying they will refuse to talk to any representative of ACORN that comes asking for census data.

–Incarcerated prisoners are counted in the county of incarceration instead of their for residence;  A  practice that critics say favors smaller rural areas where many prisons are located and will disproportionately receive more federal funds.

So, the census crazies are coming out of the woodwork already.

The bottom line?

Texas will have even more influence in Congress than it already has and that is always a good thing since we already are just over a 70% red state.

I’m David out in Real Texas

Getting more ‘red faced’ by the minute

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