There is an idea floating out there to wall off the rest of the United States from Texas. We think the idea has merit. Imagine, a 75 foot concrete wall that goes around the border of Texas to the north that keeps the rest of the USA off our sacred ground. Sound good?
The folks over at The Onion, a satirical enterprise through and through, have come up with an indecent proposal. It’s so indecent, that I’m betting many Real Texans will embrace it and call it their own.
Here’s a first paragraph of their masterpiece of an idea:
“Calling it an essential step toward securing the Texas border and protecting his people’s way of life, Gov. Rick Perry announced Tuesday the completion of a 1,953-mile wall designed to keep out millions of unwanted Americans.” It goes on from there, reporting this as if it were real news. What they don’t know is that the good folks out here in Real Texas would overwhelmingly approve of the idea. Go Read the Onion article here. It was sent to me by a Real Texan friend who calls himself Warthog. He’s actually a math prodigy who used to claim he taught math for many years. I guess he taught some of those students. The only thing he taught me is to marry young women.
The hilarious piece also states that the final part of the project will be to enclose Austin. “The final section of the barricade, a reinforced concrete enclosure containing the city of Austin, will be finished by August 2009.”
Do I hear a big Texas Heck Yes to that one?
I’m still waiting for that country song called “Walls across Texas”. Haven’t heard it on the radio yet, but ya never know.
‘Course, I will need a visa to go visit some of my crazy Austin relatives and listen to Willie over at Armadillo. It’s still there isn’t it?
If you have never read The Onion, you have to glance at it every now and then. Especially this one. It’s just too good, too funny……
……..and NOT a bad idea!!
I’m David Werst
Ready for that wall.
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YES! Build that wall clear across the MX border from the Gulf to the Pacific. That should keep all those Americans who want to escape to MX here where they belong!
Great idea, but lets expand the concept. How about if we take over Mexico and Central America and then we only have to build a little short south wall at the Panama Canal.
Now THAT’S funny! Too bad it isn’t true!