Texas History Cartoon

May 18, 2010

Just in from my favorite Texas History Calendar designer and cartoonist.  Enjoy…

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Real Texas Avocado Jalapeno Ice Cream

May 17, 2010

What do you get when you combine, Avocados, Lemon Juice, Jalapenos and a little milk and sugar?  The most delicious Ice Cream!  This is a must try recipe…if you have tried my Real Texas Avocado Pie with a Toasted Pecan Crust recipe, then trust me on this recipe! Avocados add a creamy rich taste to […]

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Your own private train

May 16, 2010

Here’s the latest from Texas artiste and historian Roger Moore.  Yep, he’s the guy who has the calendar that starts on March 2 every year.  March 2?  Texas Independence Day of Course!

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Simply Texas Blues

May 10, 2010

Simply Texas Blues Festival We spent last Saturday at the Simply Texas Blues Festival in San Angelo and let me tell you, The San Angelo Blues Society truly is the “Coolest Club in Town.”   The event was held in conjunction with a bike rally and the bikers club guys and gals showed up dressed […]

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Texas flyboys

May 6, 2010

Back in the day when I thought I needed to experience one of everything, I bought a little Cessna 150 from an old crop duster friend of mine. He took me up in that thing in the middle of summer and let me fly it around some dusty pastures out here in Real Texas, told […]

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Respect in Real Texas

May 4, 2010

A prime example of Respect in Real Texas from my favorite movie of all time and two of my favorite actors.  There is a lesson here to be learned by some younger folks……but most raised out here in Real Texas are instilled with respect from birth.

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Roger Moore

April 28, 2010

Roger Moore is more than a Texas cartoonist.  He’s a genuine Texas historian who happens to be talented enough to communicate through his art. Roger also has a calendar he makes available to the public which does not start on January 1 of every year. His Texas Calendar starts on March of every year because […]

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Sittin’ around the campfire

April 24, 2010

I’d like to bring your attention to a website named Campfire Cowboy Ministries.  It features posts from Cowboy Church Preacher Kevin Weatherby and his postings are both inspirational and entertaining.  For someone like me with a limited attention span, he gets my attention with nearly every devotional he posts. It was one of his latest […]

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San Jacinto Day

April 20, 2010

Texas wins independence at San Jacinto Texans are an independent bunch, but we come by it honestly.  After all, our independence was won on the battlefield 174 years ago on April 21, 1836 at a place known as San Jacinto. This hard won victory came after the Mexican Army chased Sam Houston and a disintegrating […]

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Real Texas Avocado Fries

April 19, 2010

I’m on an Avocado kick, I just can’t help myself!  They are so delicious and when I found out that they are heart healthy, help cholesterol levels, and help you lose weight….what more could you ask for! Avocados add a creamy rich taste to recipes. As a snack, or an appetizer, I make these easy Real Texas […]

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