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For the record, I support Arizona.
That would be me, David Werst. And Real Texas Blog. And if I still owned the couple of newspapers I owned in the past, the newspapers would also editorially support Arizona’s recent decision to incidentally ask if a person is in the USA legally given probable cause. Police officers are not ‘stupid’ as some have alleged. They know how to do that.
Our president met very recently May 19, 2010 with the President of Mexico and our President allowed disparaging remarks about a state in our Country to stand. The disparaging remarks were uttered by President Felipe Calderon with our President in attendance and he did nothing but agree that Arizona’s recent action was discriminatory.
If It had been me, I would have offered President Calderon a quick ride to the border and see if he ever comes back.
Instead, our President said, “It gives the possibility of individuals who are deemed suspicious of being illegal immigrants of being harassed or arrested, and the judgments that are going to be made in applying this law are troublesome.”
I am not a trained law enforcement officer and I can readily pick out an illegal alien in Wal-Mart. How is that so? I live here and have lived here all my life. It’s easy. But 99.9% of the time, it is unnecessary. However, if there is probable cause as in the case of illegal activity, it might become necessary.
To have my president say things like this is embarrassing. Does he not have any idea what is going on over in Arizona?
I asked my wife, who is not white, who is from Arizona, if she would mind being asked for her identification. She answered emphatically NO, and she said she would also show her military I.D, which identifies her as an Air Force Veteran.
Arizona’s law makes it a state crime to be in the United States illegally.
Apparently so does U.S. law, but our President blatantly is ignoring this fact. Sherlock.
Through an interpreter, Mr. Calderon said he agreed that Arizona’s law could be discriminatory.
President Calderon added, “We will retain our firm rejection to criminalize migration, so that people that work and provide things to this nation will (not) be treated as criminals.”
As I say often these days….”You’ve got to be shi**in’ me?” Our President did nothing but agree with the Mexican President.
Does our President NOT know there are numerous apprehensions of illegal aliens from terrorist countries every year. Just from Iran, in one sector in Florence, Arizona, there were 16 caught in 2007, 11 caught in 2008, and 15 caught in 2009. From Iran!
From Iraq there were 16 caught in 2007, 10 caught in 2008, and 16 caught in 2009. From Iraq! Does he not know that or does he not care? And for every one caught, there are ten more that are not caught. Those figures are from Homeland Security records. I did a little research and found it myself. I did not get that information from watching Glen Beck on TV. I am not worried at all about the friends I grew up with. I AM worried about illegal entry from Terrorist nations. And drug cartel wars spilling over into El Paso. Over the years, I enjoyed going to Mexico for various reasons. I’ll never go back to any of my favorite border cities. Never.
How many more are coming through that we do not know about?
Yes, it was a correspondent’s dinner and those journalists are notoriously irreverent.
But Governor Brewer was not amused. 70% of the people of Arizona are also not amused with what is going on. It is their state and they took action while the Federal Government goes on shirking it’s responsibility.
I stand with Arizona.
I also stand for no amnesty, no birthright citizenship, and no welfare or social security after working here for only 18 months. We can’t afford it. I wish I had listened more to Ron Paul and some of his ideas two years ago. And before some of you folks get on my case let me say that in my community myself and many others have bought more groceries, paid more electric bills and rent, and diapers and arranged for medical care for indigents legal and illegal than any of you ever have or ever will. There are many in my former community who can verify all that. I am not talking about personal gifts and Christian charity to another human being in need. I am talking about a governmental policy and liberal mindset. We can’t afford it. Not anymore.
For years, living with illegal aliens here in Real Texas was so common we really did not think anything about it. We grew up with the fact that many of our friends were from Mexico. They started first grade with us and did not know English. They graduated with us and several of my friends who were not citizens now speak better English than me. I have day worked on ranches and in the oilfields as a kid with plenty of non citizens. They are still my friends today. Some of them will even claim me as a friend.
It was not a problem.
Now it is. Our country is being overwhelmed and our borders are out of control. Times have changed. Drug cartels think they have a free range along the border. Terrorist nations are infiltrating our country. It is NOT theoretical. It is documented.
Just so there is no doubt, I support turning our border into an armed camp if that is what it takes. Secure our borders first, then we will talk about how my friends can become legal residents of Texas and the USA.
The lady who does my wife’s nails in the mall recently passed her citizenship test with a perfect score. She did it the right way and is now a citizen of the United States and is very proud of herself. I am too.
My Mexican friends have a word for it….I’m tired of being embarrassed by the pendajos in Washington.
I just hope Texas does not let this get out of hand either.
I’m David out in Real Texas
…….Standing with Arizona
{ 24 comments… read them below or add one }
Best article ive seen on this . I am raised & spent 40 years in Texas- yes – i know the problem. I am in TOTAL & COMPLETE AGREEMENT with this article. I now live in washington state-and see the illoegals everyday -like it is all ok for them to be here -never speaking english and never caring to learn!! We shpuld pick every one of them up and deport them. All of them ,including the mothers & kids. ITS TIME – well actually about 50 years past time – I hope every state adopts this action & arizonas law and we ger rid of all. Why cant there be a law for every employer to check thier ssn #’s in a data base for a good ssan #????? if not good ?? You are outta here!!!! Great start and i sincerely hope we get all this done -SOON!, Matt Hohmann in the Great Northwest!! PS: my wife is from a foreign country- came here legally passed her citizenship test and supports all thats happening also.
I can tell you as someone that is retired and living in Mexico that we can do no kind of business here from buying homes or cars without showing our papers and proving we are here LEGALLY. If we are stopped by a police officer the first question is to see our papers. But then that is Mexico, not the USA. Also if you are suspected of being here illegally then you are either jailed or put on the next plane out, not on a plane to your state, just the next plane out. If someone, a Mexican citizen, reports you as someone working without proper working permits then you are put on the next plane out.
Since votes seem to be more important than honor with our politicians I don’t really expect anything else from them. Our “president” never lets a crisis go to waste and never miss’ a chance to apologize.
Jim in Southern Mexico
The New Arizona Illegal alien laws are justified and many of us in Texas feel this way. I didn’t vote for Mr. Obama and please don’t refer to him as my president. He has done nothing but bring shame to the greatest countryin the world.
David, excellent Blog. I think we need to instigate Mexico’s immigration policy…….let’s see how Obama (and Mr. Calderon) likes that……
Maybe if we instigate the Overton Window theory, it will cause them to be satisfied with the current law. Oh…who are we fooling….this whole thing is so Obama can legalize the illegals and get the Mexican votes at re-election time anyway. What country are we living in??
Everyone blames Obama……..Silly, all who think this started with the Obama Presidency……These things against America started MANY, LONG years ago. I’m 67, it started 67 years and longer, before that. WE just let the other guy do it.
NObama will never miss a chance to apologize for what the US has or has not done in the past. If the reader of this comment voted for NObama, thanks a lot asshole.
On FOX’s O’Reilly (The Factor) show last night, one of his guest was Megan Kelly. Megan is a certified lawyer and once clerked for the Supreme Court. She knows how to read laws correctly, and how to analyze them. She said that actually existing federal law is much tougher than Arizona’s new law.
She went on to say that in 2005 the US Supreme Court UNANIMOUSLY ruled that anyone could be stopped and asked for identification papers, to check if they were legal or illegal, at any time or any place—regardless of probable cause. I agree with that 100%—and they can check me anytime they choose.
NObama has not read Arizona’s new law, (and existing federal laws as well) nor has his attorney general, or Janet Napolitano. All three have admitted that they haven’t. Yet, all of them are saying that they think it is unconstitutional, that they think it promotes racial profiling, blah blah blah. I’m sick and tired of our leaders (?) analyzing laws (and voting for them) without reading the first word.
Opinion Dynamics Corp. recently conducted a poll for Fox News. 84% of those polled favor requiring people to show documents proving their immigration status. 72 % of those were Democrats. A good portion of those polled were immigrants–mostly Mexican.
76% of those polled favor allowing local officials to detain anyone who cannot prove their immigration status.
61% of Americans think the country needs to enforce our country’s existing immigration laws, and 76% think our current level of security at the borders is NOT secure enough.
It’s easy to see Felipe Calderon’s point of view. Mexico could not exist without the BILLIONS of dollars sent home by those who are in this country, legally or illegally. It’s a great portion of that country’s wealth. (But I do applaud him for his war on the drug cartels.)
Good column, David.
Amen to your Article and Amen to Arizona’s stance. I still think that Kinky Friedman’s Mexican General Districts theory will work. It would require the feds to put up some money and since Nobama is an illegal himself it probably won’t happen. Maybe the Republic of Texas could institute such a policy. Or, maybe the Republic of Texas could take over Mexico and Central America and then we would not have the problem — we would just have to protect the Panama Canal.
Anyway, I digress —- as usual. Kinky’s theory is basically to divide the US/Mexico border into 7 or 8 Mexican General Districts with each district being controlled by a Mexican General [hence the name]. The US would then put $10 million into an account each year in the name of each Mexican General. Whenever an illegal was caught here in the US it would first be determined where he or she crossed and the Mexican General’s account for that district would be decreased by $10,000 per illegal. The Mexican General could withdraw the remainder of his $10 million after one year and then another $10 mil would be put into the account. And, we’d start over. Let them police all of this on their side of the border.
Keep up the good work, Dave.
When anyone crosses the border in Iran, Iraq or any other country oversees, they go to jail or worse. You know that, it has been on recent news every day. Why is the United States exempted from this law. Foreigners that applied to the US legally do not get the benefits that illegals are getting. This is not fair to them either. Why do they get all the benefits that citizens of the US worked all their lives to receive?
I’m with ya David, I just wish Texas had the guts to join right along with Arizona…….
I believe President Obama, or any other President, showed great tolerance and graciousness, as befitting his position. How the President feels and what position he is taking DO NOT need to be publicly revealed….Honestly, our President knows what’s going on at our borders.
I totally agree with jeejee ONLY in the fact that Mr. Obama knows what’s going on at our borders. He knows and, as part of his ultimate plan, hopes it helps destroys America. Afterall, this most likely is and has always been, his plan. And as for the President, for which we elected and works for US, I do believe it is our right to know his position. Anyone who thinks otherwise, jeejee, is clearly misinformed. You scare me.
Our lack of activism SCARES ME. Oh yeah, let the other guy do it. We need to start somewhere. Emailing the country’s politicians is a START. Shoulda been started 45-50 years ago, the direction we’re headed in began long, long ago. Yet, did we do anything then? Oh yeah, let the other guy do it. We probably deserve overpowerment, you know the “””one world order”””. That’s only the other word for enslavement. It’s done come.
Liz, I’m happy for you, that you think you know what you talk about. 1- where do get your information?? And 2- What direction will you go in to right all the wrongs you mention. Lets hear it.
Jeejee, I definitely don’t know “everything” about what all is going on in Washington or in our border states, nor do any of the fine citizens of this incredible country we are privileged to live in, but what I do know is I feel strongly that we are lambs being led to the slaughter with the current regime in Washington. I believe in a loving God and a book called the Bible that is a blueprint and map of where we’ve been and where we’re headed and I’ve got to tell ya, the leaders I’m seeing in Washington (99% of them…..most of which, have been in Washington prior to this current regime!) are dismissing what we, the people, want for what “they” want. My hard earned money goes to pay these folks, as well as 100% of the illegal aliens, and quite honestly, I would like to “choose” who I donate to and not be “told” who I will donate to.
You sound like a passionate person which is what this country needs; and you are absolutely right that we all need to get involved more and make our voices heard, but when we have a regime that wants to “quiet” the media that disagrees with them, lies to the citizens to get their way, I am alarmed. Trust me; I am VERY vocal and have written my representatives and have tried to make a difference by attending Tea Party Rallies, so I hope that helps you understand my part in righting the wrongs that have been done.
I mean no harm or disrespect for your opinion.
Hey jeejee
I agree with Liz, anyone that thinks the way you do scares the bajeebers out of me. What is happening on our borders right now makes me ashamed of Obama. The person not the office.
I would like to hear his thoughts and position, if he would pick just one….
Ask him. Actually, get out and do some real questioning on your own. Start with emails. Then….
Why yes, why don’t we just ask Mr. Obama……I feel sure he won’t lie to us…..afterall, what do you think he “meant” when he said, “Now suddenly if you don’t have your papers & you took your kid out to get ice cream, you can be harassed” (direct quote BTW) when the new Arizona law states CLEARLY, as does the FEDERAL law, that an officer cannot pull you over for looking like an immigrant. The new state law simply mirrors the federal law; it’s just the federal government doesn’t enforce its own law. So the State Government actually made a law that was going to be enforced, crazy I know!! And yes, jeejee, lets start emailing the president and everyone in Washington……I’m sure they would be happy to hear from us since they could care less what we think. Let’s see; majority were AGAINST the health care bill, yet, didn’t matter…..they passed it anyway. 80% of Arizona’s people were FOR the new Arizona law; yet…..wait for it…..Mr. Obama wants to appeal it. Humm…..yes, I believe he’s listening to us!!
Rick C. What did I say that scares you? Our borders are ineffectively protected. Illegal immigrants and the ‘underworld’ are over-running us. I think our entire government is incensed with President Calderon’s position..We are all incensed; don’t you think our government is incensed? What did President Obama do to deserve ALL THE FAULT? And do you have plans/suggestions for making things right.??
Mr. Werst, my Texas History teacher in middle school 🙂 As someone who lives on the border , the violence is real and it’s frightening. I live next to the lake where the border is literally just a few hundred feet away, and i am comforted by the wonderful border patrol, and several other agencies, that patrol our estate around the clock daily. Yes, when an agent unfamilar to our area is assigned here, I have been stopped and asked questions. Every single agent I have come across is professional and corteous. I am glad they are doing their job well here in Del Rio in keeping our area of the lake safe. Great Blog Mr. Werst!
I hope you are always safe. The job isn’t keeping the borders safe, yet. We have to get tougher.
Holy Moly, jeejee—as Captain Marvel would say. (You do remember Captain Marvel, don’t you?) I think you need to go to the doctor and have him check to see if Alzheimer’s might be coming on. I’m 6 years older than you and I can tell you for certain that all this crap hasn’t been going on for 67 years. Your mind evidently only reaches back through the past 20-30 years.
You want us to ask Obama? Do you really think anyone would get an honest answer from him? Think back through the campaign about all the questions he was asked—and his answers! He never spoke the truth about anything that he “planned” to do, except that he was going to produce ‘change that we could believe in’. Yes, he did produce change–mostly between what he said he would do and what he has done. That was probably George Bush’s fault; everything else has been.
And this idea you have about–“How the President feels and what position he is taking DO NOT need to be publicly revealed…” WHAT AN OUTRAGEOUS, PATHETIC, DUMB STATEMENT THAT IS. Our President is elected BY the people and FOR the people, so why shouldn’t his feeling and positions be known by those who elected him?
That’s the whole problem we are having now. Our President (?), Congress, and anyone with any position of authority doesn’t want us to know what their positions are. And, when they learn how we feel about their positions they pay no attention at all—just cram it down our throats anyway.
I have a strong feeling that everything they have crammed down our throats is going to be shoved up their arse in November and in 2012.
You sound like a person that would think the Tea Party is the worse thing that has ever happened, even though they are asking questions and presenting the people’s positions–nothing more.
Illegal immigration is the worse problem facing America today. If you don’t believe that, do some research and find out just how many billions and billions of dollars that problem is costing American taxpayers. Get informed and you might not be so LIBERAL minded.
But then, uh, well, I guess we can just go borrow some more money. Jeeze, we have some real kooks living in this country.
Sorry, you sir, are just jumping into the frey, slinging the —- like everyone else that CAN’T READ. The violence IS REAL. I also say, the US needs to protect US citizens with everything we have. Where do you get real verifiable proof that it’s Obama’s fault??? Again, I ask, What plan do you have to correct things?
I also stand with Arizona. Living in California, I will outnumbered. It is raining illegal here. With that said, I am ashamed to see this out of control lawlessness, and the American men doing nothing about it.
First, the racists stomped their feet, smeared refried beans on buildings, threatened to attack Americans with shovels and axes, and concluded that such laws hurt their feelings. After all, it’s all about La Raza.
Now, the hypocritical sycophant Calderon arrogantly disparages American law, and the decision of the state of Arizona to enforce the law of the land. He omitted the incomprehensible inhumane abuse of migrants who are preyed on while his government turns a blind eye, and plays an active role in kidnappings, rapes and murders.
Peruse the documents that reveal alarming levels of racial profiling, discrimination and mistreatment faced by tens of thousands of Central Americans that attempt to reach the US every year by crossing Mexico.
The migrants are facing a major human rights crisis, leaving them with virtually no justice.
Persistent failure by Mexico to tackle the reprehensible acts carried out against migrants has made their journey one of the most dangerous in the world.
Kidnappings of migrants, mainly for ransom, reached new heights in 2009, with the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) reporting that 10,000 were abducted in less than six months, and almost half of interviewed victims said that public officials were involved in their kidnapping.
Six out of 10 migrant women and girls experience sexual violence, allegedly prompting smugglers to demand that women receive contraceptive injections ahead of the journey, to avoid them getting pregnant as a result of rape (just as you’ll find the rape trees along the border trails leading into the US).
Earlier this year, armed police stopped a freight train carrying over 200 migrants in Chiapas State, southern Mexico. Federal Police forced the migrants to leave the train and lie face down on the ground, before stealing their belongings and threatening to kill them unless they continued their journey by foot along the railway.
After walking for hours, the group was assaulted by armed men who raped the women and killed some of the migrants.
Suspects were later detained after a local activist helped migrants file a complaint, but no action was taken against the Federal Police, despite migrants identifying officers involved.
Mexico has a responsibility to prevent, punish and remedy these atrocious acts.
However, as the champion con artist, they’d rather feign concern that illegal Mexican truants will be racially profiled, discriminated against and abused in Arizona…
You mention atrocities that are true. You know that; I know that. I still think any President of the United States would act like Obama to the face of the world. Are you doing anything to correct things as u see them? Or are you just another ranting citizen? Why waste everyone’s time picking on a contributor here?? Get busy.