Update & Snake Farm

by david on September 28, 2010

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Just an update here.

We’ll get to the Snake Farm business in just a little bit.

OK, I’m getting closer to getting back on my blogging schedule.  The last three weeks have been hectic with trips to Galveston, Katy,

Our House is ready for a little staining to be done.

Austin, Lockhart, San Antonio, Dallas, and points in between.  We’ve been gathering up equipment for a fence staining business to be run by #1 Son Joe David Werst.  It’s a family business with Joe David in charge.  We’ll let him pick his title….maybe he wants to be Supreme Commander of Austin wood fence staining.

We will go live with the website in a week or so as we get closer to launching the business.  It will be called AllTex Fence Staining and will be located in the Austin/San Antonio area.  However, I bet he would come stain your wood fence and make it look like new almost anywhere.

Right now I have the equipment and we are designing signs to put on the side of the 16′ trailer that carries the specialized equipment.  When he drives into a neighborhood in Austin/San Antonio, they will know for sure that he is there to stain someone’s fence and make it look good.  I’m going to give the equipment a test drive on my house which is a cabin style with an exterior of knotty pine.  There is a picture of the house up above.  I’ll use the cleaning solution and sprayer which applies that solution and then come back with a semi-transparent stain which will let the knotty pine show through.  It’s kinda like getting a new hairdo….

If you want your fence stained out here in Real Texas, we can do that before going to the Austin/San Antonio Area.  We’re using the latest in technology and social media to market AllTex Fence Staining including Google Voice, a whiz bang super optimized website, fan pages, twitter marketing and more.  The phone number is an Austin number 512-814-5598, but using Google Voice, it will ring at our house and we will be the answering service and dispatch jobs from here leaving Joe David free to stain fences, meet with customers, manage the business, and mainly do most of the work.  We’ll also be using the low tech but always effective knocking on doors in the neighborhood that we are currently doing a job and leaving door hangars and literature.

Ramona is busy setting up the latest version of Quickbooks 2010 complete with inventory control and a payroll module.  The graphics folks we have developed over the last couple of years are almost done with the graphics for the sign and website and all that part is looking good.  We’ve redesigned invoices, added logos, and are having them printed.  We haven’t had to operate as a bona-fide business in several years now since selling our newspapers, but it will all be worth it by this time next year.

If the recession doesn’t get us…..

If the business climate doesn’t turn sour….

If people don’t run out of money……

If the democrats don’t keep control…..

If the republicans don’t screw things up again……

If we don’ t get taxed to death as it is looking like…..

There are a millions reasons to not do a start-up right now, but I generally ignore all the Chicken Little stuff and just get busy.  In my life I’ve seen too many really dumb people go out and be very successful just because they didn’t know any better.  They didn’t know they might fail…it never occurred to them.  They just went out and became successful anyway.

Since Joe David isn’t dumb and is ready to get busy, We just know this little family business will be a success.  Anyway!

I’m David out in Real Texas

Almost ready for the phone to ring….

Now about that Snake Farm stuff…..

Here’s a music video that just didn’t seem to fit anywhere else.

My Ramona would not go inside a snake farm if her life depended on it.  She’s deathly afraid of snakes and we’ve killed our share of them out here in Real Texas.

I believe there used to be a Snake Farm located between Austin and San Marcos on I-35.  Anybody remember it there?

Well a woman I love is named Ramona
She kinda looks like Tempest Storm
And she can dance like little Egypt
She works down at the snake farm


Snake Farm – it just sounds nasty
Snake Farm – well it pretty much is
Snake Farm – it’s a reptile house
Snake Farm – Uuuggghhhhh……

Well Ramona’s got a keen sense of humor
She got a tattoo down her arm
It’s of a python eatin’ a little mouse
Wearin’ a sailor hat that says snake farm


I asked Ramona how come she works there
She says it’s got it’s charms
Nothing to do in the winter
Now and then some kid gets bit at the snake farm


Well Ramona likes her malt liquor
And a band from Wales thats called The Alarm
She said she cried when they broke up
She still plays their records at the snake farm


Sometimes Ramona calls me up
And says come on down here, it’s getting warm
She runs everybody off
And we…you know…it’s a snake farm

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Law West of the GuadalupeNo Gravatar September 29, 2010 at 6:56 am

I remember driving by the snake farm on I35 on my zillions of trips between SA and Austin. I always heard that all those little trailers out behind the farm were for something else besides snake farming. Never stopped there myself; nor did I ever talk to anyone else that had.

Ain’t life great out here in Texas?

God Bless the Republic of Texas.


davidNo Gravatar September 29, 2010 at 10:05 am

Yes, life IS great out here in Texas! I thought I remembered that correctly. And just to make sure that everyone knows….I also never stopped to esquire about those trailers behind the Snake Farm……

God Bless the Republic of Texas.


WarthogNo Gravatar September 29, 2010 at 8:37 am

If my memory serves me correctly, that snake farm was located just a few miles out of New Braunfels. Never stopped there but saw the signs many a time.


davidNo Gravatar September 29, 2010 at 10:09 am

Are you SURE you never stopped there? I wish I had take a lot more photos of places of interest back in those days. Now, when I’m blasting down the country roads and Interstates, Ramona gets startled sometimes when I slam on the brakes and circle around to get a photo of something interesting. I’l show everyone a picture of a pig I took somewhere on the road between Mason and Brady….I think. You just can’t make stuff like this up.


DarlaNo Gravatar September 30, 2010 at 6:08 pm

The Snake Farm is located between New Braunfuls and San Antonio. Been there a few times myself, not only do they have snakes but one time they had these huge frogs there and scared my daughter so bad that she had a fear of frogs for years. My oldest son would take advantage of her fear and would find a frog and stick it under the covers of her bed and she would let out these blood-curdling screams. My son would get a big kick out of that. So stopping at the Snake Farm caused my daughter to become paranoid of frogs….LOL!


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