Texas History in October

by david on October 13, 2010

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Texas History events in October

I’ve been compiling a list of Texas History events in October and have found some pretty good sources of information.  Like a lot of other devoted Real Texans, I’m a big fan of Texas History and events and I always look for a reason to pass on the good stuff to my readers.

Real Texans just can’t have too much knowledge about The Great State and every good Texan should always be ready to pass on that information as much as possible.

October 2, 1835:  The first battle of the Texas Revolution was fought at Gonzales. What flag did they fly?

October 7, 1916:  Charles Goodnight filmed the “last buffalo hunt” at his ranch near Palo Duro Canyon.

October 12, 1919:  Doris Miller, the first African-American hero of WWII was born in Willow Grove, Texas.  He enlisted in the Navy and when his ship was attacked at Pearl Harbor, he left his kitchen duties and manned a machine gun after a fellow crewman was killed.

October 18, 1924:  Eltwood Pomeroy, known for introducing the pink grapefruit to the Rio Grande Valley,  passed away.  Good name, huh?

October 20, 1971:  Birthday of Everett Townsend, the “father of the Big Bend National Park.”

October 26, 1866:  The First State Fair of Texas opened in Fair Park in east Dallas.  I’ve been many times and have a lot of memories of the State Fair of Texas.  You still have time to attend, the fair ends October 17 this year.

October 30, 1920:  The Farm Labor Union was organized in Bonham to represent the interests of poor farm tenents and laborers.

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