Halloween Candy Corn Bark

Halloween Candy Corn Bark
10 oz Dark Chocolate Chips
1 cup Candy Corn
1 cup square mini Pretzels, broken into small pieces (but not crumbs)
1/2 cup White Chocolate Chips
I learned a cool new technique from Alton Brown (Good Eats is his cooking show) on melting chocolate. Using a heating pad, remove the cloth covering. Place the heating pad in a large bowl. Place a smaller glass or metal bowl on top of the heating pad making sure it’s small enough to fit into the bowl holding the heating pad. Place the chocolate chips in the bowl and turn on the heating pad to high. Keep checking until the chocolate is melted…the time will depend on how hot your heating pad gets, mine took about 15 minutes. Using this techniques takes patience, but the chocolate won’t scorch and over cook.
Pour the melted chocolate on a greased cookie sheet. While the chocolate is still hot, sprinkle the pretzels and candy corn on top of the chocolate. Press to push the pieces into the chocolate.
Melt the white chocolate chips. Once melted, using a fork, dip into the chocolate and drizzle over the candy to make spooky cobwebs.
Chill until the chocolate is firm. Loosen from the cookie sheet and break into smaller pieces.
It’s ‘spooktacularly’ good!
Sorry ’bout that! Enjoy.