Real Texas Preacher

by david on April 6, 2011

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Campfire Cowboy Ministries

One of my favorite people is a preacher.  Now before some of my good friends completely collapse in disbelief, let me explain a bit.  I do have a few preacher friends and even one of them said he would like to come back in his second life as a Presbyterian like me.    He has spent a full career as a Baptist preacher….”bless his heart” as we say out here in Real Texas.

So, there are at least two or three of my friends who are preachers, and one of my favorites even though he has committed a really huge sin, is:

  • The author of a new book called The Great Cow-Mission which you can order now.  Click on the link and read some of the comments…..
  • Has a Facebook page where you can keep up with his thoughts
  • Has a Twitter account and tries to reach some of us semi-lost souls there
  • Has a wife with a Facebook page called “The Worst Preacher’s Wife Ever”
  • Has a great family with real family issues like everyone else
  • Has an expanding Ministry that reaches folks whom I consider to be the Salt of the Earth
  • Works at his chosen (led) path in life really hard

….And has committed the extraordinary dark-hearted sin of expanding that ministry outside of the paradise of Texas.

Now I also have to explain that only a committed and dedicated Texan would ever call his former home, Coyonosa, Texas a beautiful place, but I’ll bet he does and all those who live, work,  and cowboy in that area do too.  He left Coyonosa which is near Fort Stockton and Pecos to move to Colorado to be pastor of a Cowboy Church there.  I believe he now lives near the community of Kiowa, Colorado.

Weren’t there enough sinners and sin to preach on in Texas to satisfy him?

Heck, he could have just spent time with me last weekend and had enough preaching material to last him nearly all summer.  I have tried several times to rationalize his decision to move to Colorado and have not been able to come up with a really satisfactory reason…..until now.

When I first heard of his decision to move to Colorado I was disappointed.  He has a really nice wife and family.  Why would he expose them to some other lesser state as opposed to the area of the Great State known as Real Texas?

I rationalized that by thinking…..well, at least it wasn’t Oklahoma  ( I do ask forgiveness for saying the ‘O’  word).

Then I realized one of pastor Kevin Weatherby’s reasons might be to bring the message of God’s Home Place to the heathens of those other states as best as he could.  THAT’S IT.  That is why he moved off to go there.  In my mind, that is the only reason he could possibly have for moving off and he will be back someday after successfully converting those lost souls.

Whew!  That’s a relief, even if that is the only logical connection my Real Texas brain can come up with.  Yes, I have heard of preachers being led here and there after much prayer and revelation, but plumb out of the Great State?  There must actually be a Bigger Plan of some kind involved.

You can always keep up with him by subscribing to Campfire Cowboy Ministries.  Just enter your email address where the coffee cup is on the right hand sidebar, and he will send you a lot of his Cowboy Thoughts in words you can understand.  He calls some of his Scriptures, the SCV or Simplified Cowboy Version.

I knew he was a good preacher when he said he would pray for your dogs too!  And that they were welcome to come to church with you!

When you go there, you will find some quotations he has provided that you can post to your Facebook page as a status update.  Here are some of my favorites:

  • Faith ain’t about what you think God CAN do….but what you know He WILL do.
  • If your work is ever finished, one thing’s for sure–you’re not a cowboy, or a Christian.
  • Jesus comin’ back on a white horse is proof enough for me that there are horses in heaven.
  • God and coffee seem to take forever, but before you know it, they’re there to give you what you need just when you needed it most.
  • Riding well doesn’t matter to God, but willing to ride does.
  • If your love of God doesn’t take you to church, then it probably won’t take you to heaven either.
  • The Word of God is the receiver hitch that teaches us to watch where we’re goin’.
  • It takes a hard lesson to teach a hard head.
  • Build a big loop, tuck it under your arm, and when your day tries to run off, swing big, swing hard and swing like you can’t miss.

I’m sure his new Cowboy Church in that other state is a nice enough place, but I’m going to keep my subscription current just in case he needs some help getting out of there.  He probably does not know that it actually rains in Colorado and even snows some. And it is a lot cooler in Colorado.   How is he going to be reminded much of hell if he leaves the heat of Texas?  Those are just not common experiences to most Real Texans out here.  His horses might get spooked and want to come home too.

And go ahead and buy his book, The Great Cow-Mission. It’s probably a cowboy play on words for something called the Great Commission.  And be his friend on Facebook.  He is going to need all the Real Texas friends he can get up there.

Seriously, I know you will like Cowboy Campfire Ministries as much as I do.  Give it a try and a visit.

I’m David out in Real Texas

Learning more about The Great Cow-Mission

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

KevinNo Gravatar April 7, 2011 at 10:23 am

Ssshhhh…..Colorado was once a part of Texas, I’ve come to help get it back!!!


Don CoyoteNo Gravatar April 7, 2011 at 1:00 pm


If I was from Colorado, I’d be lookin’ fer a rope ’bout now.


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