Murals honor the past
Back in late January, I posted an article that detailed the Historic Murals of San Angelo project. Since then, I’ve heard from many of you about murals in your own hometowns. The consensus is that the murals in cities and communities across Texas add so much history and a sense of place, that they are a valuable addition to any community who has them. Long time residents of such communities love to see their past depicted as art and new residents love to see where the community has been in comparison to today.
San Angelo just happens to have about as rich a past as any city in Texas and they are adding another mural to honor the military involvement of San Angelo. However, it seems the latest mural project is stalled due to lack of funds. Now don’t misunderstand. This is not a government funded project. That’s not how they approach things in San Angelo. The historic murals program is funded by generous donations from individuals, foundations, and civic organizations. The donors see the powerful transformation of a downtown area the murals bring and they are naturally interested in seeing more.
So, it is time for generous folks from all over to help fund this mural which will honor the military past of San Angelo. If veterans from anywhere in in Texas could manage to give even $5 each, it would quickly raise the $65,000 for this mural. San Angelo is a favorite retirement community for veterans and it is very military friendly. After all, the military and San Angelo go back well over 100 years with Fort Concho. And it is important to know this will be one of the most ambitious murals attempted. The scaffolding is in place and visitors to downtown San Angelo can see the preparation as it unfolds. The location of this mural is in the 200 block of Oakes Street next door to Leddy’s Boots. There will be scenes depicting the historic Fort Concho, the old San Angelo Army
Air Field, and Goodfellow Air Force Base which is still going strong as a training facility.
So, if such things are of interest to you, go ahead and send in a donation. I know those involved in the project are working very hard at fundraising themselves and they could really use your help. They are not just sitting around waiting on money to come rolling in, they are out actively doing what they can to help fund the project. Just a couple of weekends ago, I saw them out on a cold blustery day with a booth set up at a local event. They were busy informing others of the project, selling some really good hot sauce, and showing artist renditions of what the mural will look like when complete.
If your community has historic murals, I’d love to see them. If not, you can go down in local history as the person who organized the murals for your town. It’s something worthwhile.
If only every organization worked as hard as these ladies……Can you help them with a donation? Click on the photo below and print out the form…
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