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It’s summertime here in Real Texas and that means it’s squash time! We love squash prepared all kinds of different ways.
David is kinda like Forest Gump’s friend Bubba. He likes grilled squash, sauted squash, baked squash, fried squash, squash casseroles…..and he can go on like that for 10 minutes.
I want to share with you one way to cook squash with this easy recipe.
I will show you a simple way to grill squash with onions, bell peppers and jalapenos. We have several squash plants in our garden, and we eat a lot of squash. I cut up and freeze a bunch of it so that I have plenty of yellow summer squash for the winter too.
Real Texas Grilled Yellow Squash
4 medium Yellow Squash, sliced 1/4 ” lengthwise
1 large Texas 1015 Sweet Onion, quartered and separated
1 large Bell Pepper, seeded and sliced in thick pieces
2 – 3 medium Jalapenos, seeded and quartered longwise
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1/4 cup Balsamic Vinegar
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Pepper
1/4 teaspoon fresh Rosemary, chopped
1/4 teaspoon fresh Thyme
1/2 teaspoon fresh Basil
Place all the cut up vegetables and all the rest of the ingredients in a large ziplock bag. Seal and Shake. Refrigerate overnight.
Place grilling rack on a piece of foil. Pour out all the vegetables into the grilling rack and close the rack. Keeping the foil underneath the rack, turn the rack over and place directly on the hot grill. The juices will pour over the vegetables.
Grill for approximately 5 to 10 minutes, turning until both sides are browned. Remove from grill and open the rack carefully. Place the vegetables on a serving platter and enjoy! We’ve been having squash several times a week now and it still seems there are more ways to fix it.
Do ya’ll have any good squash recipes to add to Real Texas Recipes?
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I do a similar thing, only lots simpler, as I am known to be very simple. I put the 1/4 ” slices on a plae, moisten with olive oil, then sprinkle Tex-Joy Steak Seasoning on both sides, grill on a hot grill, or gas grill on high until they look like shoe soles with brown stripes (1 or 2 minutes). You learn to grill to the tenderness you like, and serve with whatever else you have cooking. It also works well with Zucchini (sp ?)
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