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David’s mother loved Deviled Eggs.
Every holiday we’d have them over for supper and Maurine would always request Deviled Eggs. Of course I would make them, but it was the old fashioned recipe.
Now I have discovered the world of Jalapeños and I have recreated old recipes and I add not only Jalapeños but also other chili peppers.
You can download and print a full version of the recipe, just click on the hyperlink below:
Real Texas Devil’s Own Deviled Eggs
6 Eggs
1/2 Jalapeño Pepper, minced
1/2 dried Hatch Peppers, seeded and minced
2 tablespoons Mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon Yellow Mustard
1/8 teaspoon Paprika
Put eggs in a single layer in a saucepan making sure they are covered at least 1” with water. Bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and cover for 15 minutes.
Run cold water over the eggs. Crack the eggs and peel off the shell. Rinsing to make sure there is no shell remaining on the egg.
Cut eggs in half. Use a little spoon and get the egg yolk out. Place the egg halves on a deviled egg platter.
Mix the mayonnaise, yellow mustard, dried ground hatch pepper or you can use a regular dried chili pepper and minced Jalapeño pepper. Mash together with a fork. Spread the mixture on the hardboiled egg half.
Take a little pinch and sprinkle the smoked paprika over the deviled eggs.
Refrigerate overnight.
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