UIL realignment blues

February 1, 2010

UIL realignment Every two years, the Texas University Interscholastic League, UIL, comes out with district pairings that must give coaches and school administrators gray hair.  This year the new districts were announced Monday morning, February 1, 2010. I pay fairly close attention to the West Texas districts as those are the districts I am most familiar with. […]

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Real Texas Nachos

January 31, 2010

We love Nachos!  It’s taken several months and several batches of Nachos to finally discover the Perfect Real Texas Nachos. I prefer to use corn tortilla chips that I cut and fry.  We have asked several people what kind of cheese they like to use for their Nachos.  David even Tweeted and asked his Facebook […]

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Cuttin’ ice

January 29, 2010

To Real Texans, the term cutting ice has a couple of different meanings. In weather like we currently have, which is ‘real code’, cuttin’ ice means we physically go out to the water trough and break the ice over the top of the trough so animals can get a drink.  They have to have water […]

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Bob Bullock’s Real Texas Beans

January 27, 2010

Out here in Real Texas, it ought not to be necessary to have a recipe for cooking a pot of pinto beans.  But there are always exceptions to the rules.  Bob Bullock came to that conclusion after the many times he had been served mushy pintos that don’t even deserve to be recycled on a […]

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You Lie!

January 25, 2010

After a republican congressman embarrassed himself  by publicly calling the President of the United States a Liar at a joint meeting of Congress, the term “You Lie” has entered common language used by many others.  Mostly in a joking way. Or, maybe he wasn’t all that embarrassed.  He just said what many others were thinking and blurted […]

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Real Texas dialect

January 22, 2010

The American Dialect Society has named “Google” the word of the decade.  There are lots of words that have made the Society’s list and most of us can recognize at least some of them.  However,  there were a few that even a sophisticate such as myself had not heard of. Tweet was the word of the year in 2009.  I know […]

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Real Texas Eggplant Parmesan

January 19, 2010

This dish is probably a true family favorite.  It takes a long time to prepare, but you can make the homemade pasta sauce and fry the eggplant ahead of time so all you have to do is put the dish together and bake. My mother-in-law grew her own little eggplants.  She would bring me 2 […]

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Pants on the Ground

January 16, 2010

Pop culture gives us some real gems these days.  The latest is “Pants on the Ground” sung by a older gentleman on American Idol.  Here it is if you have not seen it: We’ll be stuck with that in our heads until the next pop culture phenomena comes around.  I’ll be thinking of it every time I […]

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Texas can submit, secede, or nullify

January 14, 2010

The way many Real Texans see it, in regard to the extreme power grab going on behind closed doors in Washington, we have three choices.  We can submit, secede, or nullify.  I have heard all three courses of action mentioned, plus a few more. As of this writing, the promises of open debate have been […]

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Stocking up for 2010

January 9, 2010

I guess my wife is stocking up for 2010. Either that, or she is getting a jump on impending shortages for the year 2012 when the Mayan calendar comes to an end which of course means it’s the end of the world as we know it.  Just go see the movie for confirmation of all […]

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