Real Texas Barbecue festival

November 14, 2011

Texas Monthly’s barbecue festival What do you get when you gather up 24 or so of the state’s best barbecue cooks and a whole bunch of hungry barbecue lovers?  You get an annual event called the Texas Monthly Barbecue Festival.  We traveled to Austin October 30th to attend the 2nd annual Texas Monthly Barbecue Festival.  […]

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Music Video Friday – Edmund Fitzgerald

November 11, 2011

Here is a history lesson for you. This is not a country song this week, just one of my personal favorites.  Lots of folks of a certain age know that the Edmund Fitzgerald was a ship that sank with all aboard on November 10, 1975.  The shipwreck made headlines and after reading details about the […]

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Music Video Friday 68-Johnny Cash

November 4, 2011

I have too many favorites sung by Johnny Cash to list here.  He is just a legend.

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Advice for Rick Perry

November 1, 2011

I know Rick Perry Yes, I know Rick Perry.   He probably does not know or remember me, but since I have considerable experience in the advice giving business, he’s gonna get some advice from me.  Real Texans are not shy at all about telling either the County Judge, the Governor or the President what […]

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Music Video Friday 67-Jeannie C. Riley

October 28, 2011

Jeannie C. Riley is another Real Texan having been born in Stamford and grew up in Anson, Texas.  And yes, there is still no dancin’ in Anson.  She had a big hit with Harper Valley PTA released in 1968.  She wore mini skirts and go-go boots, but she is a true born again Christian. Jeannie […]

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Music Video Friday-66

October 21, 2011

Sheryl Crow is a country rocker with strong Texas ties. Her politics are liberal, but her singing is what we are interested in here.  And yes, she was Lance Armstrong’s girlfriend for a number of years. She can sing, and yes she can rock.  Sheryl Crow with two Real Texans

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Real Texas Pecan Pie

October 17, 2011

Made in Texas Pecan Pie And speaking of Texas Holidays (as discussed in the last post here on Real Texas Blog), it should be pointed out that more than likely, the very first Thanksgiving was celebrated in Texas.  That’s right and it is not just an idle claim:  History records that in 1541 the Spanish […]

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Music Video 65

October 14, 2011

I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight… Here are three versions of this song…which do you like best? Same song, different vocals. Which one did ya like best?

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Texas Holidays

October 11, 2011

Real Texas Holidays This is part 7 in the series ….How To Be Texan, Wherever You Are. You can certainly be Texan, Wherever You Are by observing some unique Texas Holidays. Texas Holiday celebrations are not always officially recognized holidays by the rest of the world.  However, there are some dates that are extra special […]

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Music Video Friday -64 Nora Jones

October 7, 2011

Nora Jones sings like a bird Hands on the wheel

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