November 2010 Texas fast facts

by david on November 8, 2010

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Real Texas history events

We like to remember and write about all kinds of facts from Texas here at Real Texas Blog and a really good way to remember it all is to look at Roger Moore’s Texas History Calendar.  We like Roger’s Bona Fide Original Texas Calendar he publishes every year because it starts on March 2 of every year.  Yes, I know, all the other calendars start on January 1, but as all Real Texans know, Texas Independence Day is celebrated March 2 every year.

And since Texas is the center of our universe, we like starting our year on March 2.  Here are a few fast facts in Texas History that took place in the month of November.

November 2, 1867 – Possibly the first Texas baseball game was played in San Antonio.

November 4, 1824 – Birthday of Jesse Driskell, cattleman and builder of the Driskill Hotel in Austin.

November 11, 1942 – Mexico born Texas resident Macario Garcia was drafted during WWII.  He earned the U.S. Medal of Honor.

November 14, 1917 – Doris Pemberton, black reporter and civic leader, was born in Nacogdoches.

November 17, 1884 – Texas cattlemen urged Congress to build a National Trail from Texas to Canada.

November 21, 1923 – Oil was discovered in Scurry County.

November 27, 1917 – The first aircraft flew from Ellington Field near Houston in present day Pasadena.

November 29, 1846 – Birthday of Mary Terrell, public library advocate and a founder of the Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs.

I’m David out in Real Texas……

We remember our Texas History

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WarthogNo Gravatar November 10, 2010 at 9:33 pm

November 1528 — Cabeza de Vaca shipwrecked on what is believed today to be Galveston Island. After trading in the region for some six years, he later explored the Texas interior on his way to Mexico.

November 1839 — The Texas Congress first met in Austin, the frontier site selected for the capital of the Republic.

25 November 1850 — In a plan to settle boundary disputes and pay her public debt, Texas relinquished about one-third of her territory in the Compromise of 1850, in exchange for $10,000,000 from the United States.

November 22, 1963 — President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas during a motorcade.


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