Music Video Friday-34

by david on February 25, 2011

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Stephen F. Austin and Sam Houston

Since the days of Texas Independence are almost upon us, it might be time for a little re-fresher course in Texas History.  The siege of the Alamo began on February 23 and Texas Independence Day is March 2.  The Alamo fell on March 6. Two of the major figures in Texas history have to include Stephen F. Austin and Sam Houston.  Stephen F. Austin was the organizing force behind the settling of Texas and it was he that eventually gave his blessing to the Texas revolution.

Sam Houston was the military strategist that led Texas through some dark days of defeat in the early days of the revolution including the loss of many Texas lives at Goliad and at The Alamo.  It was Sam Houston that held the forces back until providence and the battleground presented themselves at the same time to the Texas army on April 21 at a place called San Jacinto.

Here is part 1 of the Fathers of Texas history lesson.  It’s only 10 minutes or so, but I’ll bet it brings back some 7th grade Texas History lessons for you Native Texans and for you others, well, listen and learn.

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Ron CameronNo Gravatar February 26, 2011 at 9:56 am

Very good!! We all need a DAILY reminder of the hardships & sacrifices that other made in order that we can proudly say,
“I am an American….I am a Texan..” Texans are the elite of the elite of the world. The most fortunate people on earth!!


Ron CameronNo Gravatar February 26, 2011 at 10:02 am

P.S. My son used to say, “I just can’t imagine being from Conneticut, Vermont or New Jersey.” I can’t either, Can you–all?


Rick CastNo Gravatar February 26, 2011 at 2:33 pm

Where’s Conneticut, Vermont and New Jersey? UI thought all of the best peoiple came out of West Texas. If not West Texas then still Texas, but I do know some prettyt good folks in Oklahoma.


Don in LeanderNo Gravatar February 28, 2011 at 9:40 am

Speaking of sieges, it appears there’s a siege of Barnhardt going on with the wildfires. Stay safe out there.

I was able to drop in on Presidio de La Bahia in Goliad on a business trip last year. Its definitely a worthwhile stop if you’re touring Texas history. Looked to be a more more defendable position than the Alamo but they were ordered to go east by Sam Houston but didn’t get past Coleto Creek before battle and subsequent capture (and massacre).


Don in LeanderNo Gravatar February 28, 2011 at 11:35 am

Barnhart. I have no idea where that extra d came from.


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