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640 is pretty dern good if you ask me.
Only, I’m not talkin’ about miles per hour here.
I’m talkin’ about TTU’s, Texas thermal units. They are pretty much the same as btu’s I hear, ‘cept a little hotter of course.
640 is the temperature that registered on my 6 burner super grill that I fired up for July 4th. I have told you parts of this semi-true story already.
It was July 4th and time to barbecue outside. The only problem was that it was 103 in the shade in my manspace down by the water. I have a 16×20 covered area with a 12′ long grill, fridge, sink, and elbow height area for sitting and cooling off.
As I said earlier a while back, it was the first time to fire up that super grill. And, as I hate to admit, I started a full fledged chicken fire.
Yep, those things make a mess.
But I have to ask you, what does any good ole’ Real Texas boy do when he gets a new pickup or a new car?
You’re right! You have to take it out and see what it will do.
So after I cooked my ‘carmelized chicken’ I had the bright idea I would take that grill out and see what it would do. I turned on every burner…including the rotisserie burner, and cranked it up to the max.
I figgered instead of scrubbing that grill clean, I would cremate all that chicken stuff just like you girls do in your self-cleaning ovens.
I can report that it worked like a charm. I left it on high about 30 minutes, let it cool down some and opened the big door. I blew on the deposits and they flew away, completely turned to ash. Oh, and I cleaned the front of it off too since this picture was taken. It looks spick and span and shiny again.
The day was saved and I knew then and there I could do that all again and not have to clean up the mess.
640 degrees will cook anything to ashes. And if you get it that hot for just a little short while….you too can cook “carmelized chicken”.
My Question: If anyone has any tips on how to get it up to 650, I’m listening. Your pickup can’t have tires that are too big and you can’t have a grill that is too big or gets too hot. Next time the only thing I would do different is to move my tackle box farther away from the grill. It was nearly too close.
I’m David
Really cookin’ now!
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