Tiger Woman

Real People – Real War
Former combat grunt and later helicopter pilot and decorated Vietnam Vet John Huffman writes often of his first hand experiences of his time in Vietnam. Some of those experiences were committed to the written page. Tiger Woman is a compilation of many of those experiences of combat and is based on true events.
Tiger Woman tells the story of a female enemy of unmatched ferocity and depravity who hunted U.S. soldiers and in turn was hunted by U.S. soldiers. Her depraved acts of disembowling and torturing her prisoners were designed to instill fear in those who faced the North Vietnamese Army, but instead brought a determined group of soldiers dedicated to finding her and her rogue soldiers and killing them.
The story plays out as soldiers from the two sides pit their tactics against each other.
Tiger Woman often shows the horror of war, but also the determination of those involved….on both sides. And just so readers know, you can not write a book like this without first hand knowledge of the war in Vietnam.
Huffman joined the U.S. Army Airborne in 1966 and served as an enlisted man rising to the rank of Sergeant and later he served another tour as an officer and helicopter pilot. This was in a time when the U.S. lost more helicopters and pilots than can be imagined. Of the just over 11,000 choppers put into service, almost half were destroyed and more than 5,000 pilots and crew were lost. Several were my very good friends.
Tiger Woman has the credentials of a Vietnam war novelist and it was written by one who served and has an understanding of both sides of that war.
It is intense, hard to put down, and you will remember many of the characters depicted in the scenes. for those of us of a certain age, it’s easy to recognize the young naive soldiers facing and unrelenting enemy.
Thank goodness for a few rough men on the U.S. Side ready to do battle and lead the troops.
You can order Tiger Woman from Amazon here, along with other books by John Huffman.
P.S. He is a Real Texan who now lives in the Smokey Mountains and my kind of guy. Airborne.
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