Bee Gee’s Coastal Quarters

by david on January 10, 2011

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Enjoy Port Aransas with Bee Gee

While a lot of Texas was’enjoying’ a snowstorm in the DFW area Sunday afternoon, the folks in Port Aransas were walking on the beach in their shirtsleeves and shorts.  And while a good portion of West Texas is freezing Tuesday and Wednesday, the folks in Port Aransas are enjoying a walk on the beach wearing only a hoodie to keep them warm.

Such is the life on the Texas coast.

I have a good friend who lives in Port Aransas and owns several bed and breakfast lodging facilities there who was among those enjoying the coastal weather while my DFW friends enjoyed the snow and ice.  My friend is Bee Gee McBride and she owns and operates Bee Gee’s Coastal Quarters in Port Aransas. Bee Gee is a former West Texan who moved to Port Aransas over 35 years ago.  After a 30 year teaching career, she retired and now devotes all of her efforts as an innkeeper with several bed and breakfasts to manage.  She is a pleasure to do business with.  Call her at 361-332-8212 to reserve your room which is more like a home away from home.

I used to make trips to Port Aransas when I was in college.  I would leave San Marcos or Austin and drive the few hours it took to get there.  I always chose Port Aransas because you could drive right down to the beach and in fact, drive along the beach for many miles.  I would stop anywhere I wanted, get my fishing stuff out and cast out into the waves.  It was a poor boys way of fishing…..but that’s the way us poor boys did it back then.  Now I know it’s called surf fishing and is quite popular.

On my last trip to Port Aransas, Ramona had ‘secretly‘ been in contact with Bee Gee and had arranged for us to stay at one of her properties called “The Dome“, and on Bee Gee’s recommendation, Ramona also had hired a fishing guide for the day.  It was an early Birthday present to me.  Yes, we caught fish and yes we had a great time at Bee Gee’s Coastal Quarters.  It was a beautiful day, the fish were biting, and the fishing guide was friendly.

And the good news about Bee Gee’s Coastal Quarters?

You can stay there too!  But you need to call her soon to reserve a room in one of her ‘Coastal Quarters’.  You can contact Bee Gee by calling her at 361-332-8212.  I say call her soon because this is considered off season and during the ‘in-season’ of summer time, the B&B’s book up quite quickly.

Here is a video introducing Bee Gee’s Coastal Quarters and as you can see, I got a lot of sun earlier in the day while we were out fishing the flats around Port Aransas.

Let me tell you more.
If you look over in the right sidebar of this blog, you can see a link there for Bee Gee’s Coastal Quarters.  Click on that link and it will take you to her website so you can see plenty of pictures.

Let’s get to know Bee Gee a little better, you will enjoy staying with her at any of her properties.

Is it any wonder I love Port Aransas and plan to make that area one of my new ‘homes away from home‘?  I went home and pulled out my old rod and reels and am in the process of getting all my fishing gear back in shape.  I really enjoyed staying at Bee Gee’s Coastal Quarters and I intend to go back and enjoy the Texas coast as much as possible.  She’s a great hostess, the Texas coast is a great place, and there is no time like the present to expand your horizons a bit.

Call Bee Gee and tell her Real Texas Blog sent you.  You’ll be glad you did.  Lifelong friendships and family traditions start just like this, but remember, call her right away to reserve your accomodations and enjoy some of the Texas Coast sunshine and warmth. 361-332-8212.

Start your own family tradition.

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LynnNo Gravatar February 14, 2011 at 5:33 pm

I couldn’t agree with you more. Bee Gee is one of the nicest and most accomodating people I have ever met. She works very hard and will do whatever possible in her power to ensure you have a wonderful stay in Port A.

Have fun in Port A and call Bee Gee!!


Kim Terry SchwarzNo Gravatar May 22, 2020 at 1:30 pm

I just happened onto this site while looking for something else! I miss Cousin Beeg something awful! Beeg. Port A’s not the same without you. I’m putting this interview with Beeg on my author page on Facebook.


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