Sumo Japanese Steakhouse

Japanese food and entertainment…
David and I decided we wanted to try Japanese food Hibachi style. We read about Sumo Japanese Steakhouse and printed out an Amazon coupon to try it out. Sumo Japanese Steakhouse, 8342 IH-10 West, San Antonio, TX 78230 is the place to go.
Not only was the food delicious, but Chef D really made the night entertaining.
We were seated at a table with a mom celebrating her daughter’s 13th birthday and little brother; 3 ladies for girls night out and David and me.
One of the ladies ordered a drink that looked like it was a huge fishbowl! We knew it as a Dosarita (Which is a Margarita with a bottle of Dos Equis turned upside down in the glass, and as you drink, the beer mixes in with the margarita.) This one was using Blue Moon Beer and I don’t know what it was called.
We all asked her if she was driving! lol They all giggled and asked me to take their picture for them.
David and I both ordered Speciality Combinations that included the soup, salad, and entree.
David’s was called the Alamo $32.75 (New York Strip Steak and Shrimp) I ordered Shamooo $36.50 (Lobster tail, Scallops, and Shrimp) And we both ordered the Fried Rice $2.95 each extra (White Steamed Rice is included, but we wanted the Fried Rice.)
We started with the soup, Japanese Onion Soup.
It’s a little light on the onion flavor, but is a light and really tasty soup. I think the mushrooms added the most flavor….not much onion there.
Almost tasted like an onion broth with roasted mushrooms. A really pleasant way to start the meal.
Next the Salad with a homemade Ginger dressing.
Lots of shredded carrots, cabbage and large slice of cucumber with lettuce and little grape tomatoes.
What really made this salad is the homemade Ginger dressing….very light ginger flavor, even though it looked like a lot of minced ginger. It tasted like the ginger could have been pickled in a vinegar base.
I have to find the recipe.
Here comes Chef D! He really knew how to get our attention by lighting the grill on fire! Back up or you could lose your eyebrows. I have a video at the end here that shows a few of his entertaining moves.
He has a cart with all of our entire tables’ ingredients because he’s going to prepare all of our food right on the private hibachi at our table. This is not a charcoal hibachi…it’s stainless steel.
First he prepares the Fried Rice, sautéing the vegetables, entertaining us with his egg cracking skills, adding the rice and moves it all over to the side and drenches it with soy sauce.
There it will simmer all the flavors together.
I accidentally had my iPhone turned the wrong way so the video of the onion volcano is sideways, so I’ll just have to describe it to you. Chef D prepares the grilled vegetables with seasoned butter and soy sauce, and moves them to the side. He then places onion slices and separates the rings. Arranges the rings to form a volcano and pours some kind of alcohol in the center and lights it on fire. After the fire goes out, he chops up the onion and adds it to the vegetable.
He brings out the shrimp, cooks it and serves some as an appetizer.
He starts on my dish with the lobster tail butterflied and adds some seasoned butter. And same with the scallops. As a portion of each of our dish is completed. He cuts everything into bite size pieces and scoops it up and serves on our plates.
In little serving bowls there are 2 sauces, one is a Ginger Sauce, that’s for the seafood and the other is Yum Yum sauce and it’s for the steaks.
Next he brings out the steaks. It’s amazing how he arranges the cuts of meat in the order of how you want it prepared. David likes his medium rare.
As the meats are cooked to the desired temperature, they are served.
As you can see there is a lot of food. It’s semi-pricey, but it’s the show that helps justify the price.
We ended up with to-go boxes and you know we’ll enjoy it all for lunch tomorrow.
Thanks to Chef D, he made our night very entertaining. Please enjoy the short video and if you are in San Antonio and have a couple of hours to enjoy an entertaining meal, visit Sumo Japanese Steakhouse.
I’m Ramona Werst and this is my Foodie Restaurant Review….
Bon Appetite!