About Real Texas

What is RealTexas Blog.com?
First, let me welcome you to this page. This is where you can learn more about Real Texas Blog and David Werst, an observer and active participant in All Things Texas.
You may be visiting here after following me on twitter or visiting other places I am semi-active such as Facebook or YouTube.
I encourage you to become a subscriber. There is no set time you will receive updates, just when I have something to say about Texas people, places, or events. Not much politics here, but some. On occasion. When I just can’t stand it anymore.
First things first!
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It’s free and it’s fun. You’ll learn a lot about Real Texas here.
And remember, Real Texas is wherever you find it.
It really is a state of mind. There are folks interested in Real Texas worldwide. Sometimes they are where they are geographically by job, marriage, or circumstance. They are “Spiritual Texans” no matter where they live. Yes, that’s a Real Texas term….That FLDS sect you have heard about is about 35 miles from my former house out in West Texas where they have a real wife and several ‘spiritual wives.’ The state of Texas and the local Sheriff there has shut down the sect and run ’em out of town, but it’s just one of the things that make Texas interesting.
On occasion, I write blog posts that reveal How To Be Texan – Wherever You Are. It’s possible you know….to be Texan wherever you are. There are just a few thousand purely Texas traits and habits to let your new friends and neighbors know you are a Real Texan.
Yes, of course in Real Texas Blog you will find:
Texas stories told here…….some true!
You will also find a repository of articles, some useful, intended to be thought provoking, humorous, or entertaining. Most of the articles or musings or writings will be those of the editor, but some will be guest written if the articles stay true to the Real Texas philosophy.
I would guess it would be difficult for a writer of a big city magazine to understand and write about Real Texas if their life experience has been only that of a city dweller. That being said, I have read some really great articles by now urban individuals who have some life experience outside the city.
Those writers have generally been employed by community newspapers at some point in their life and have had their butts chewed out by somebody’s mad momma who was not at all impressed by a college degree over something that went into print in the newspaper. In fact, community newspapers all over Texas are more often than not classified as Real Texas by default. They just understand the whole Real Texas psyche, attitude, nuances, and all.
OK. Who is David Werst?
David Werst is the editor/publisher of RealTexas Blog.com and a dedicated proponent of the Real Texas way of life easily found in rural Texas. David is a 4th generation newspaper publisher who was able to sell his weekly newspaper before he dropped dead chasing West Texas football, school events, city council meetings, commissioner’s court meetings and every other event under the Texas Sun – Which burns just a little brighter here than in those lesser states and nations.
David Werst is a multiple-award winning columnist and has plaques proclaiming such honors ready to hang on the wall when he gets around to it.
David had always intended to retire in the Lake Buchanan area near Austin, but found it over-run by city people and Californians bent on changing Real Texas to something else.
David’s heart was always in rural Texas which he considers the heartland of the Great State.
His great-grandfather was a pioneer Texas newspaper publisher. His grandfather was a newspaper owner as was David’s father. And me, David, followed in their footsteps. David is a past president of the West Texas Press Association and grew up in the back shop of a hot metal newspaper where his dad made galleys of type on the linotype and an old widow woman mailed out the papers using a Mustang Mailer to stamp the addresses on the newspapers. The papers back then were usually printed in-house on a flatbed Babcock press.
To say “They don’t do it like that anymore is a real understatement.”
David fears daily newspapers are facing a lingering demise with community newspapers being the only viable print media to stay for the long run.
After selling his weekly newspapers, David moved to the community of Sherwood in very rural Irion County on the banks of Spring Creek about a half mile from where his great-grandfather first published his newspaper in 1900. It’s in the San Angelo area. He still has a printed copy of that newspaper dated December 1901. published by Oliver Francis Werst.
Real Texas Blog.com was first published from David’s home office/manspace in Sherwood. Now it is in the Boerne/San Antonio area.
Boerne is clinging to its individuality as part of the San Antonio metro area. More specifically, David and wifey Ramona live outside of Boerne in a golf/resort known as Tapatio Springs. George Strait and a partner of his own the place and it shows. It’s a first class place with first class people.
David draws on his experience and passion for Real Texas and Texans and believes they are still the finest examples of human beings on the planet.
He and wife Ramona moved to this area because it is closer to Audie Murphy VA Medical Center in San Antonio. Ramona, a U.S. Air Force Veteran has had some serious health issues and needed to be closer to her surgeons who take excellent care of her. It was hard leaving West Texas, but as David said, “Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.”
David and Ramona live in Tapatio Springs with their two bed-hog dogs, and a spoiled rotten cat. Before moving to Tapatio Springs, The fam-o-lee lived a few years over in Bandera County on some acreage. They had an assortment of chickens, two loud-mouthed guineas, and Bobby the bobcat who protested the move from West Texas mightily, but was stuffed into a tow sack and then unceremoniously dumped into a travel cage for the 220 mile move to the south. Bobby lived to the ripe old bobcat age of 17.
He pissed and moaned for weeks.
So did David. He still does some.
Five questions answered by David Werst
Question 1: Is the part of Texas you consider ‘Real Texas’ limited to rural Texas?
— “Generally, but I’ve known some real redneck city boys and girls who regularly put me to shame.”
Can you find aspects of Real Texas in San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, Houston, and beyond?
–Yes, you just have to look real hard, whereas in rural Texas the Real Texas attitude, speech, and lifestyle is low hanging fruit. It’s everywhere and you don’t have to look for it. Just walk down the street and it’s there. A man tips his hat when he is introduced to a lady. In West Texas, you wave to passing cars and trucks. Doors are held open. Men are judged by what they can do instead of what they say they can do instead of on their religion or ethnicity. “If you can do it, it ain’t braggin’.”
People are polite in Real Texas. A visiting out of stater once remarked to me, “You sure do know a lot of people out here.” I asked him how he knew that. He commented that “You wave to everyone you meet on the highway.” I told him that’s just the Real Texas way. There’s a good chance I do know them, but that’s just the way we are. It’s not like that as much as it used to be, but old timers still acknowledge a passing pickup truck or car with a wave or gesture of some sort.
So, Real Texas is not limited to any geographic area. It’s just more noticeable in rural areas, especially in West Texas. And if you practice the art of How To Be Texan – Wherever You Are you could be considered a genuine Real Texan.
Question 2: So, where can you find a part of Real Texas in Austin?
–What’s this fixation with Austin? Austin is a place where politicians and godless liberals live. And now, a lot of former Californians.
The answer to finding Real Texans in Austin is: Mostly in south Austin. At the Broken Spoke, and a few other places that have been around a while or maybe even not there any more at all. The Real Texas places have not been “affected”. You can’t find Real Texas at a Rudy’s barbecue. Sorry. Or any place on 6th street that I know of, but you can listen to some dern good music and have a great time in the Live Music Capitol of Texas. And the Continental Club still has music blasting out the front door up on South Congress Avenue.
So, I guess there is some of Real Texas in Austin. I just wish they knew the difference between a “breakfast taco” and a breakfast burrito. We have subscribers to Real Texas Blog in South Austin and in South Africa. We love ’em all, even those who live in Austin.
Question 3: Is RealTexas limited to Anglo white males?
–Are you kidding? Is Earl Campbell the Tyler Rose? Was Juan Levario Sr. called Mr. Baseball in West Texas without a reason? Can Joe David Werst cremate a baseball? Is Jimmy Morris the oldest rookie?
Texas Tech All American Alicia Thompson stopped playing basketball and for a while was a female football player. Is she for real? Is Joe Carrasco more conservative than me? Probably! Don’t misunderstand. There’s tons of Real Texas folks who are white and male, but being Real Texas is not about people so much as it is an attitude. A philosophy. A state of mind. Real Texas is not limited to gender or ethnicity. For example: Here’s a philosophical question that can only be debated over a 5 gallon feed bucket full of ice cold beer: Is a Toyota Tundra a Real Texas Truck? Given enough beer, that could be a really profound discussion.
Question 4: Give some examples of places, people, and things you consider to be Real Texas.
–OK. I already included some. But how ‘bout London Dance Hall. Floore’s Country Store which is just down the road a few miles from my house. Boots & Saddles club, Wurstfest, the Luling Watermelon Thump, Santa Rita No. 1, Fort Concho, TeePee tavern, the Gage Hotel, the Settles Hotel, the Bluebonnet Hotel, Amarillo by Morning, H.E.B, The Alamo and Old Ben Milam park, cedar choppers in Junction in the old days. There’s more: Saginaw Flakes, Texas Aggies, The Menger Hotel, Cliff McMullan, Juan Levario, Sr., Coach Bob Ledbetter, Audie Murphey, Dripping Springs, Claytie Williams, Liberty Hill and coach Jerry Vance, Tumbleweed Smith, Spike Dykes, Richard Boggs, Bum Phillips, Bum McReavy, Tommy Lee Jones, Connie Levario, Mike Elkins, Kathryn Cope Kessler, and Billy Bob’s Texas. Tim and Dale Lee Sellman, Elmer Kelton, Patrick Dearen, Odessa Permian, H.F. Ritchie and Jim Bob Solsbery. Zach Edwards and his band are up and coming Real Texans. And by God Augie Meyers of the Texas Tornados is a Real Texan. Hey baby que Paso?
Some Real Texas folks don’t even live in Texas right now. They are called ex-patriots. They are currently pulling duty somewhere other than Texas in their jobs or life. They still consider themselves Real Texans wherever they are.
There’s a whole world of Real Texas people and places and we will find them together as we go along the trails, current and past….in RealTexas Blog.com
Question 5: Who made you the arbiter of all things Real Texas?
–Somebody has to do it. Somebody told me one time that opinions are like assholes…everybody’s got one. That’s a good thing. Diversity and all that.
-I have traveled all over Texas, seen all kinds of Texas people, taught Texas History for 12 years, worked in the Texas oilfields, wrecked cars, rolled pickups, gone to boys town, done day work on Texas ranches, swam in the Gulf of Mexico and the Rio Grande, written thousands of pages of newspaper reporting on all things Texas from city hall to the State Capital.
-I’ve been a politician and hated politicians, drank in lots of Texas honky tonks and been thrown out of a few, and have always respected Real Texas and Real Texans wherever they are found.
I’m qualified. Plenty of others are qualified too and I hope they will add their comments.
Tell us a little more about yourself and your typical day.
–I was born in San Angelo on a Christmas Day and grew up in Big Lake. There is usually not a lake at Big Lake. It’s generally dry. I’ve both walked across the dry lake bed there and water ski’d on it.
Big Lake is home to Santa Rita No. 1. Actually it is Texon, about 15 miles or so west of Big Lake, but there are not any folks left living in Texon anymore. Santa Rita No. 1 was the discovery well of the fabulous Permian Basin. The first one. Big Lake has seen its share of booms and busts, and is now smack dab in the middle of the Cline Shale play which is estimated to be 10 times bigger than the Eagle Ford Shale play in south Texas. Folks….that is BIG.
Back in the day, well service operators were conveniently ignorant of any child labor laws and if you were big enough, you could wrench rods all day long when pulling a well. Many of us worked our way through college on well service rigs, roustabout gangs, and drilling rigs throughout the west Texas oilfields. We worked right alongside grown men, Bible thumpers of all types, winos, alcoholics, ex-cons, cons on the run, and rough men of all sorts. It was glorious to be a young man back then a la Sonny from The Last Picture Show. But, it was hell on us the next day if we lost very many football games.
-Graduated from Texas State University, U.S. Army (airborne), Newspaper editor and publisher for 27 years.
-Educator, former private pilot, played all high school sports (which I get better at the older I get) Worked in the oilfields, owned some very small interests in oil wells during the first boom. Smoked, chewed, drank, and ran with a few wild women.
-Currently have almost zero vices due to my former lifestyle which resulted in quadruple bypass surgery. (Don’t worry, the docs say I’m in excellent health now and I walk a couple of miles a day…either that or get dragged by my dog, Bowie.)
Fairly laid back, somewhat reserved at first, father of Joe David Werst, and married to the fabulous Miss Ramona since 1-1-2000.
Life is good in Real Texas.
A typical day starts in the morning when I get up.
For several decades I got up at 5:32 a.m. and got after it. Don’t have to anymore so I don’t. If you had told me I might sleep/stay in bed reading until 9:00 in the morning, I would think you were crazy as a bedbug. Only lazy people do that….the flies will get you. That went on for a few years…..then I moved to Tapatio Springs and discovered the joys of golf.
Now I still get up or wake up early and then go play golf. My ambition as a very young man just starting out was to finish college, get a job as an oilfield pumper and make at least $20,000 a year. The pumpers I grew up knowing got up early and went to work. They got off work at 2:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon, then played golf and drank beer until dark. What a life.
But, I turned out to be a small town newspaper publisher and writer. Not a real high paying job or profession. Dang sure didn’t have time to play any golf. And the number 1 son was active in all sports and scouts, and much more. So we did that. Adios golf, hello Boy Scouts.
Now I have time for golf and to play some along with write some. So that’s me. That’s what I do. Ramona is a super gourmet cook and cookbook and recipe developer. Too bad, huh? Play golf all day, then come home to a gourmet meal. It’s a hard job, but I try to do it without much complaining.
Yes, I do have boots and wear ’em sometimes. Drive a pickup truck. We have our life long friends and now have made a good many new friends.
She cooks. I play golf and write.
I know a lot of wives don’t or don’t have time because they are juggling half the world in a short amount of time, but she cooks and is a great companion and she loves golf and football.
And I am grateful for it.
I was too busy and worked too much to be grateful for all the good things in my former life, but I am grateful now and that makes a world of difference.
After breakfast I head out to the golf course and meet my friends who are doing the same. Then, I write for Real Texas Blog or work on my novel about a serial killer. Yes, the book is based in Texas. We all need to be careful of him….he’s just getting started.
These days you would be more likely to find me at a book discussion than at a honky tonk or bar even though I live just down the road from John T. Floor’s Country Store. They stay up way past my bedtime these days.
All I have to do to get a fresh mindset is to walk out the door and look around at the Texas Hill Country and the sunshine.
In the past days not too long ago, I would look out my window and watch the chickens work all day long, hunting and scratching, making a place for themselves. They all had names and yes, their own personalities. Kinda like people, huh?
I go through email, get a few ideas and then start writing on whatever suits my fancy. Welcome to the Real Texas world.
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Real Texas……It’s a great place to be whether you live here or not.
Keep readin’ and you will learn How To Be Texan – Wherever You Are.
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And while you are at it…also subscribe to Real Texas Tidbits. There you will find Texas History cartoons like you have never seen them before. They are all originals by my friend Roger Moore and he is a dandy. Real Texas Tidbits will come to you about once a week. You might just learn something about Texas there….
If you would like to contact me direct, please just fill in the form below and I will get back to you just as soon as I can!
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{ 21 comments… read them below or add one }
Hey there David!
It was a surprise and a pleasure to see our band’s name on your blog! We appreciate your support! See you down the road.
I just found you—–hope I can find it again! I loved every word I read, wish I could get my daughter to read it. She married a yankee, moved to Vermont, hates Texas, amd here comes the KILLER——she voted for obama [notice no capital].
Well, I’ll be damned. I’ve found me a kind-of long-lost brother. An old boy with printer’s ink under his fingernails. Ain’t many of us around these days. Hell, looking at metro papers’ bylines, it seems to me that most of the fingernails in the news business today have got red polish on them. No more stomping out your cigarette on the newsroom floor, I guess.
I come from a Wretch background similar to yours. Granddaddy Engleman was publisher of the Tulia Herald, a weekly with ad rates which included “one live chicken.” Granddaddy Engleman’s eldest son (Charley) was, for about 5 decades, publisher of the Clinton (Okla) Daily News. Granddaddy’s baby, Allan, was my Dad.
After using up some of his Twenties with Gen. Patton in North Africa and then some other places he never talked about, he came home and with $3,000 and, with a $30,000 loan from Clint Murchison Sr., became the Publisher of The Edinburg Daily Review, complete with 8-page Goss flatbed. The paper was closed when he bought it.
I was raised there…as a member of a minority race. We had four or five black families in town and, when our little black school was closed way before Little Rock, none of us kids even realized there was another race amongst us. I had to come to Dallas to learn how to be biased.
My first Edinburg job (after I retired from 5 am morning paper routing) was in the hell box. Melt down the lead slugs and mat castings. Skim off the ink residue from the liquid lead (damn it was hot in there on a 100-degree day). Then…carefully…very carefully…pour that molten metal into pig forms (and not on your shoes) so they would be ready to be devoured by dad’s two Linotypes the next day.
Memories, my brother?
I never wanted to be a fireman, policeman, cowboy or Coca Cola Truck Driver. All I wanted to be was a newspaperman. And that’s what I did (Dallas Times-Herald, AP, Denton Record-Chronicle, Dallas Morning News) until I got fed up with being poor.
I left the working-for-them business and have done the working-for-me business since my late twenties. But I’ve always written for money and my heart (and fingernails) remains that of a newspaper man.
So…I intend to enjoy your blog. And I guarantee you that, when I don’t, you’re damn shore gonna hear about it.
Mike Engleman
Dallas, Texas
I’m a Texas, born and raised, but not sure if I agree with all your RealTexas attitude but I do praise you for speaking your mind! I will share this with all my friends and family, as many many are RealTexans! Great job!
Hey, just ran across your blog, actually by accident. I liked what I saw and wanted to tell you so. My younger brother is Tim Sellman of Big Lake, Texas. I was raised in Mertzon and was Deputy Sheriff of Irion County, Tx., after I got out of the Army in 1963. I lived in Florida the past 15 years, and caught a bank robber there a couple of years ago. I wear my boots and hats everday (including when I was in Florida), Everyone I k now consider me to be RealTexas.
I intend to keep up with your blog. Keep up the good work!
Oh, my wife Paula and I now live in Austin and we don’t find much here that we consider RealTexas, just a bunch of Damn Yankees, trying to turn the whole world “Green”. As soon as we can retire we will get the hell out of here! We intend to live amoung RealPeople-RealTexas.
We share the same passion and love for Texas. I was born and raised in Houston. I grew up hanging out on the Beaches along the gulf of Mexico. I attended Willie Nelson picnics in the 70’s while attending Baylor. I still travel regularly to Austin, Fredricksburg, The Frio, Bandera, and have no plans to stop anytime soon. My daughter is a student at your almamater in San Marcus.
I really like your blog and look forward to getting them. Keep em comming.
Archaeology Find
having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, New York scientists found traces of
copper wire dating back 100 years and came to the conclusion, that their
ancestors already had a telephone network more than 100 years
Not to be out-done by the New Yorkers, in the weeks that followed,
in California an archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after,
headlines in the LA Times newspaper read: ‘California archaeologists have found
traces of 200 year old copper wire and have concluded that their ancestors
already had an advanced high-tech communications network a hundred years earlier
than the New Yorkers.’
One week later, a local newspaper in Texas , reported the following:
After digging as deep as 30 feet in his 2000 acre
pasture near Cut-n-Shoot, Montgomery County , Texas , Bubba Rathbone, a
self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing.
Bubba has therefore concluded that 300 years ago, Texas had already
gone wireless.
Thank God for Bubba.
We TEXANS are an
intelligent bunch……
I just found your blog and love it. Being a proud native Texan, I KNOW I am blessed. While reading your blog and comments I ran across some names from my past. Tim and Dale Sellman (I had a huge teenage crush on Dale) were part of my summers spent with my grandparents in Mertzon. So good to know they are still around and still holding true to their Texas roots.
I must tell you that Real Texans are spread out all over this state. I have a lake house near Coldspring and on a trip up for a week-end recently I noticed a sign posted on the local re-sale shop-
Prom Dresses
Live Bait
Free puppies
No where but Texas!!
I too will continue to watch your blog for reminders of why I love Texas!!
I was amazed and thrilled to see the comment from Sherry (Rannefeld) Dansby. I haven’t seen or spoken with her for 40 something years. I too had a crush on her. My email is dlsellman@earthlink.net. I would love to hear from her.
Dale Sellman
David, Sherry and I have contacted each other after 46 years. We had no idea where the other one was. We are amazed that we found each other again after all these years on your : RealTexas Blog.
Thank you from us both!!
Dale Sellman
Hi David,
We really enjoy your Texas Blog! I want to get your book & read it as well.
Just wanted to wish you & Romona a very Merry Christmas & a wonderful New Year!
Debra & Steve Moore
San Angelo, TX
david, just found this site! ignorance isn’t blissful after you discover what you’ve missed, but i’ll follow closely behind you in the future. i do have some things that are ‘old’ history that i’d like to pass along to you. might be a story there! so call me and i’ll buy your lunch. karman
Here’s how synchronicity, coincidence, serendipity works for West Texans.
1970, Yokota Air Base, Japan. I’d just got a note from mom, E. Maurine B. Werst, that Karman W. was on his way home from ?combat surgeon? duty in Viet Nam.
Can’t remember if he rotated out because of hemorrhoids or foot, leg, back, or fungus, or “something else”.
So I looked at the postmark date & decided to check it out. Should be passing through just about NOW.
Drove around the end of the runway / flight line (10 to 12 thousand foot runway) to the Med Evac staging area where all the DC-9’s were. (And where we cleaned the Chinese & French atomic fallout from our “special” air sampling aircraft, B-57F models & WC135B.)
When I asked the cute, young, but sorta bored from paperwork, nurses if they’d seen Karman’s name show up on any manifests, of course they hadn’t, so I looked around & saw a chalkboard with transportees names.
There it was: “Theron K. Weatherby”.
So when I asked the nurses, “Did ya’ll know he’s “DOCTOR Weatherby?”, you should’ve seen all the fluttering around like a henhouse when the rooster arrives. More alert, sitting up straight, compacts, powder, lipstick, busyness, here & there.
Here he comes, blue lab coat, pajamas, slippers, no more than a plastic patient wrist band to ‘not’ announce VIP or officer status.
Great visit, like we hadn’t even skipped a beat.
Just like Real Texas, only 9,000 miles away.
The story of how Pelosi became the new Texas cuss word.
Years ago, when I sometimes used unsavory language, I often used the
expression ‘Bull S***’. As I grew up a bit, and discovered it was not
necessary to use such crude language, that expression simply became ‘BS’.
What did I really mean when I used those expressions? I meant that something
was ridiculous, or idiotic or a half truth or just stupid. It covered any
number of negative formats. The dictionary defines it as: ‘nonsense;
especially foolish and insolent talk’.
I have decided that I no longer will use either of those expressions in the
future. When I have a need to express such feelings, I will use the word
‘Pelosi’. Let me use it in a sentence. “That’s just a bunch of Pelosi.”
I encourage you to do the same. It is such a nasty sounding word, it really
packs a punch, we are no longer being vulgar, and it clearly expresses our
If enough of us use it, perhaps the word could be entered into the
dictionary. When on a ranch, watch where you walk and don’t step in any
Pelosi. It will get on the bottom of your boot and won’t go away until next
What a fitting and descriptive legacy for the Speaker of the House!
Pass it on to at least 10,000,000 people. Do not break this chain or you
will get more Pelosi than you can shake a bull at.
P.S. Betcha when this new word reaches D.C., the PELOSI WILL HIT THE FAN!
I’ve just invested a couple of hours reading various portions of your site and you will be happy to know that the investment will rekindle memories for days and weeks to come. You are writing about The Real Texas that I hold so dear to my heart. Sometime we should invade the office of the Menard News and spend an afternoon with Dan. There would be enough material from that encounter to keep you going for months.
After I sold the Free Press, It took me several years to write anything creative or even think of taking a picture, but for the past couple of years I have spent a lot of time behind a camera lens. Photography is fun again and I see that same enjoyment in your writing. You paid your dues. Now enjoy writing what you WANT to and I’ll look forward to enjoying reading it.
I have found my blog place. David, thanks for taking the time to do this for Real Texans, for those foreigners in other states and for those who are just curious about us.
I was born in McCamey, lived near Midkiff and went to school in Big Lake. My children grew up being Army brats, but I grew up being an oil field brat. There isn’t a whole lot of difference in the two kinds of brats, except I didn’t have to move every 3 years as they did. I need to clarify the term brats. That is a term that lumps us as kids growing up in a society that is different from the norm. Texas is definitely a society of its own. Respect, manners, friendliness and helpfulness was our mantra out in God’s country. If I have heard it once, I have heard it a thousand times, my dad would say, “A man is only as good as his word”.
My parents lived by the codes of the west and taught my sister and me everything we needed to know about how to conduct ourselves. My dad’s funeral, one of the saddest days of my life, reminded me of who I am. We were riding behind the hearse on the way to Stephenville to his place of burial. I was looking out the window of the car, not mindful of anything except my thoughts and suddenly, I caught sight of a horse and rider in the bar ditch. The rider dismounted, knelt and removed his hat and placed it across his heart as my dad’s procession passed by. He would have been proud.
I have many stories that need to be told so that others might know and understand why it is a blessing to be a Texan.
I loved reading “What is RealTexas blog.com” and the comments. The article made me smile and I was nodding my head at other people’s memories. I was cheering on Dale & Sherry but was especially touched by the cowboy removing his hat and kneeling in honor of Darla’s father. That is Real Texas isn’t it? I’ve lived here over 30 years and Texas is my heart and my home. I was told early on that “Texas was a country of its own.” And, I’ve never forgot it. Have I now passed from being a “Spiritual Texan” to being a real Texan? You bet. It’s in my blood.
Yep! I do believe you are officially now a “Real Texan.” Congratulations….David
I have just found this site and really enjoy the comments section and the receipt section. Been living in Texas 70 years and can remember all the activities David talks about, honky tonks, high school football powerhouses such as Baytown, Port Arthur, Lubbock, Ball High, Galveston, Corpus Christi Ray, and many others, boys town, post office street in Galveston, US Air Force(1955-1959) married to the same woman for 56 years (high school sweetheart), chicken fried steak, bbque,texmexican,and cold beer. Retired and live in Granbury, Tx., but really get tired of all the folks from the North and MidWest trying to change the way we Texans live. Thanks.
I should have said receipe instead of receipt. Sorry about that.
HELLO ALL just finished a film about the ulimate TX road trip would appreciate your vote here
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